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Step 1 - Registration

You are automatically a member of RBC LIVING & HOMES ( RBC L & H) if you are an existing tenant who has applied for a transfer or you have applied for housing and have been accepted onto the register.

You may not be eligible to be on the housing Register. It is important that you carefully read the Eligibility and Qualification sections of the Allocations Policy which sets out clearly who does /does not qualify.

Reviewing a negative Housing Register or Homelessness decision

If you disagree with a decision made on your Housing Register or Homelessness Application you can appeal within 21 days of the date of the decision letter setting out why you disagree with the decision and providing any new or additional information you may wish the Council to take into account.

If you have stated any medical/health needs as part of your application you must have submitted evidence from a health professional you are currently engaged with and which is less than 6 months old. The Council is not responsible for requesting information from health professionals on behalf of applicants and is not liable for any costs incurred as a result of information being provided.

For more information on the review process please consult the Allocations Policy.

Please contact us if you need further advice on any of the above.

Step 2 - Membership